If you are about to graduate from college and need to purchase your own health insurance you have many options.
Young, healthy men and women often seek a low monthly payment to the insurance company (premium) and safe guards against major financial loss from a serious illness.
Here are some specific plans you may want to consider:
“Calculated Risk Taker” from Blue Cross of California: with generic prescription medicine, no offer maternity coverage, low cost.
Right Plan 40 from Blue Cross of California: 3 plans with different coverage for prescription medicine (Rx)- no Rx, generic Rx, and generic and brand Rx. No maternity coverage. $40 payment for doctor office visits. No deductible.
Blue Shield Active Start: $25 and $35 payment for doctor visits, no deductible. No maternity coverage.
At BenefitsCafe.com, you can get medical insurance plan quotes online or call 800-746-0045.