- Abdominal supports
- Abortion
- Acupuncture
- Air conditioner (when necessary for relief from difficulty in breathing)
- Alcoholism treatment
- Ambulance
- Anesthetist
- Arch supports
- Artificial limbs
- Autoette (when used for relief of sickness/disability)
- Birth Control Pills (by prescription)
- Blood Tests
- Blood transfusions
- Braces
- Cardiographs
- Chiropractor
- Christian Science Practitioner
- Contact Lenses
- Contraceptive devices (by prescription)
- Convalescent home (for medical treatment only)
- Crutches
- Dental Treatment
- Dental X-rays
- Dentures
- Dermatologist
- Diagnostic fees
- Diathermy
- Drug addiction therapy
- Drugs (prescription)
- Elastic hosiery (prescription)
- Eyeglasses
- Fees paid to health institute prescribed by a doctor
- FICA and FUTA tax paid for medical care service
- Fluoridation unit
- Guide dog
- Gum treatment
- Gynecologist
- Healing services
- Hearing aids and batteries
- Hospital bills
- Hydrotherapy
- Insulin treatment
- Lab tests
- Lead paint removal
- Legal fees
- Lodging (away from home for outpatient care)
- Metabolism tests
- Neurologist
- Nursing (including board and meals)
- Obstetrician
- Operating room costs
- Ophthalmologist
- Optician
- Optometrist
- Oral surgery
- Organ transplant (including donor’s expenses)
- Orthopedic shoes
- Orthopedist
- Osteopath
- Oxygen and oxygen equipment
- Pediatrician
- Physician
- Physiotherapist
- Podiatrist
- Postnatal treatments
- Practical nurse for medical services
- Prenatal care
- Prescription medicines
- Psychiatrist
- Psychoanalyst
- Psychologist
- Psychotherapy
- Radium Therapy
- Registered nurse
- Special school costs for the handicapped
- Spinal fluid test
- Splints
- Sterilization
- Surgeon
- Telephone or TV equipment to assist the hard-of-hearing
- Therapy equipment
- Transportation expenses (relative to health care)
- Ultra-violet ray treatment
- Vaccines
- Vasectomy
- Vitamins (if prescribed)
- Wheelchair
- X-raysEligible Over-the-Counter Drugs (For HSA Distributions)
- NONE – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act eliminated use of HSA accounts for non-prescribed medicineIneligible Medical Expenses
- Advancement payment for services to be rendered next year
- Athletic club membership
- Automobile insurance premium allocable to medical coverage
- Boarding school fees
- Bottled water
- Commuting expenses of a disabled person
- Cosmetic surgery and procedures
- Cosmetics, hygiene products and similar items
- Funeral, cremation, or burial expenses
- Health programs offered by resort hotels, health clubs, and gyms
- Illegal operations and treatments
- Illegally procured drugs
- Maternity clothes
- Non-prescription medication
- Premiums for life insurance, income protection, disability, loss of limbs, sight or similar benefits
- Scientology counseling
- Social activities
- Special foods and beverages
- Specially designed car for the handicapped other than an autoette or special equipment
- Stop-smoking programs
- Swimming pool
- Travel for general health improvement
- Tuition and travel expenses a problem child to a particular school
- Weight loss programsIneligible Over-the-Counter Drugs
- Toiletries (including toothpaste)
- Acne treatments
- Lip balm (including chapstick or carmex)
- Cosmetics (including face cream and moisturizer)
- Suntan lotion
- Medicated shampoos and soaps
- Vitamins (daily)
- Fiber supplements
- Dietary supplements
- Weight loss drugs for general well being
- Herbs
Medical Expenses