Individual Medical Insurance

Informative articles on individual medical insurance to empower your healthcare coverage decisions.

2013 Jan 29

Individual Coverage for Employees: Health Care Reform (ACA) May Create Opportunities for Small Businesses

By |January 29th, 2013 |Categories: Covered California, Health Benefit Exchange, Health Insurance Reform, Individual Medical Insurance Articles, Small Business Articles|

In 2014, when the new market rules take effect, a business owner may be able to choose between the small group and individual market to purchase coverage for employees... Same product in two separate markets offered at different prices. A small business owner’s arbitrage opportunity would be to purchase health insurance for employees in the market with the lowest price.

2013 Jan 28

Waive or Decline – A Huge Difference for California Small Group Health Insurance Plans under Health Care Reform(ACA)

By |January 28th, 2013 |Categories: Covered California, Health Benefit Exchange, Health Insurance Reform, Individual Medical Insurance Articles, Small Business Articles|

"The BIG, hugely impactful decision Covered California, DOI and DMHC must make is: must an insurance company consider an employee enrolled in an individual health insurance plan.. to have a valid “waiver”. or [is it] a “declination” of group coverage."

2013 Jan 11

Covered California Health Exchange Releases 2013 Report

By |January 11th, 2013 |Categories: Covered California, Health Benefit Exchange, Health Insurance Reform, Individual Medical Insurance Articles, Small Business Articles|

Covered California, the new name for the California Health Benefit Exchange, has just released a report on its activities. Addressed to the Governor and Legislature, the report describes the reasons for creating the exchange and the progress in that effort. The report states that the high cost of medical insurance is the [...]

2012 Dec 06

UHC Estimates Premium Increases as High as 116% in 2014 from Health Care Reform (ACA)

By |December 6th, 2012 |Categories: Health Insurance Reform, Individual Medical Insurance Articles, Small Business Articles|

United Health Care (UHC), the largest health insurance company in the US, yesterday held a webinar for agents on changes they will be making to their products to comply with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  This is the first time that I have seen a major carrier give specific [...]

2012 Nov 26

Health Insurance Reform (ACA) Update – November 2012

By |November 26th, 2012 |Categories: Health Insurance Reform, Individual Medical Insurance Articles, Small Business Articles|

I've written 4 articles on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the newsletter section of   The articles will help employers and individuals who purchase their own coverage understand a few aspects of the law. The articles include: Five Things Everyone Needs to Know about Health Care Reform (ACA) Five Things [...]

2012 Mar 22

Medical Insurance Reform Update: March 2012

By |March 22nd, 2012 |Categories: Health Insurance Reform, Individual Medical Insurance Articles, Small Business Articles|

To mark the two year anniversary of President Obama's signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act we've written a summary of the most important changes that impact individuals and small businesses who purchase medical insurance. Click through for an accounting of the changes that have occurred since 2010 and changes planned for 2014.

2011 May 02

California Allows Deduction of Health Insurance for Dependents up to age 27

By |May 2nd, 2011 |Categories: Individual Medical Insurance Articles|

On April 7, 2011 California enacted Assembly Bill 36 which allows employees and the self employed to deduct the cost of health insurance premium for dependents under the age of 27. This conforms California state tax law with the Federal guidelines passed into law with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that extend eligibility for group health insurance to adult children, regardless of student status, through age 26. Thank goodness that California legislators fixed the discrepancy between Federal and State law regarding the deductibility of dependent health insurance premium. Allowing the deduction means that California forgoes the tax revenue on adult children's health insurance premium. At the same time allowing the deduction removes a major head ache for employers who have been trying to comply with conflicting State and Federal guidelines. Read the post here.

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