Health Insurance Reform
Health Insurance Reform, California health insurance news and updates. Stay current with changes in California health insurance reform
Health Insurance Reform, California health insurance news and updates. Stay current with changes in California health insurance reform
California’s Health Benefit Exchange (HBEX) also known as “Covered California,” sent an email to agents on Friday, April 5, 2013 to announce that they had selected Pinnacle Claims Management, Inc. to run the California SHOP exchange for small businesses. This shocked many in the insurance community including carrier reps, [...]
California insurance companies are engaged in a price war for small business health insurance. I never thought that I would ever write that sentence. However, it's true. As I previously reported on this blog, Health Net started the war in January 2013 when they offered ANY group with 6 or [...]
Health Net of California is guaranteeing small group employers (2-50 employees) with the lowest rate possible. New groups that enroll 6 or more employees in a Health Net plan will receive the lowest possible "Risk Adjustment Factor" (RAF) of 0.90. Health Net's RAF Special expires April 15, 2013.
The Federal government has re-branded its health insurance "exchange" as the "Health Insurance Marketplace." A video on the government's web site suggests that shopping in the Health Insurance Marketplace will be as easy as buying food in a grocery store. The government makes some pretty bold claims
Unless an employer decides to contribute a portion of the premium for dependent coverage (and employers get no credit for this contribution under the ACA) then employees will shoulder the entire financial burden of health insurance for their family.
In 2014, when the new market rules take effect, a business owner may be able to choose between the small group and individual market to purchase coverage for employees... Same product in two separate markets offered at different prices. A small business owner’s arbitrage opportunity would be to purchase health insurance for employees in the market with the lowest price.
"The BIG, hugely impactful decision Covered California, DOI and DMHC must make is: must an insurance company consider an employee enrolled in an individual health insurance plan.. to have a valid “waiver”. or [is it] a “declination” of group coverage."
Covered California, the new name for the California Health Benefit Exchange, has just released a report on its activities. Addressed to the Governor and Legislature, the report describes the reasons for creating the exchange and the progress in that effort. The report states that the high cost of medical insurance is the [...]
Sutter Health, a large medical group and hospital chain in Northern California, has applied to become an HMO/insurance company. According to this article, Sutter Health submitted its application to the California Department of Managed Care (DMHC) in August 2012. The article reports that DMHC has seen a significant increase in the number of applications to establish new [...]
Everyone is concerned about the ever-rising cost of medical care and health insurance premiums. In this newsletter, we give links to a PBS documentary, podcasts from This American Life, and articles from The New Yorker that describe health care systems that provide high quality medical care at low cost. It [...]