Bruce Jugan, President

About Bruce Jugan

Bruce is an expert in group medical insurance and employee benefits for small to mid-sized companies. He's been a licensed agent/broker since 1993. Bruce has written all of the content on He and his team help employers select medical plans; communicate information to employees; stay in compliance with various rules and regulations; and solve benefits-related problems that may arise.
2009 Feb 05

Key Benefits Video

By |February 5th, 2009 |Categories: Videos|

Trying to explain complicated terms like "out of pocket limit" "deductible" and "co-insurance" in less than 2.5 minutes is difficult. I thought that the image of someone really hurting himself by diving into a swimming pool was a good way to convey the importance of the protection that health [...]

2009 Feb 05

HMO – PPO Video

By |February 5th, 2009 |Categories: Videos|

I've found that many people aren't exactly sure what an HMO and PPO are. With this video I wanted to show how they work and what the differences are. I have used the graphics in this video for many years when I sit down with business owners or individuals [...]

2009 Feb 05

Prescription Medicine (Rx) Video

By |February 5th, 2009 |Categories: Videos|

How a health insurance plan pays for prescription medicine (Rx) is important. Unfortunately, standard descriptions rely on a lot of technical terms. Four words you'll need to know in order to understand your health insurance's prescription benefits: Brand, Generic, Formulary, and Deductible. With this video I wanted to make [...]

2009 Feb 05

Doctor and Hospital Networks Video

By |February 5th, 2009 |Categories: Videos|

One of the best benefits of a health insurance plan is the discount you get from in-network doctors and hospitals. It is often overlooked when people select a health insurance plan because the selection criteria shown are benefits and monthly price (or premium.) Many people forget to consider which [...]

2009 Feb 05

Insurance Companies Video

By |February 5th, 2009 |Categories: Videos|

With this video I want to help people understand the differences between the health insurance companies. I also want to let people know that there are some really good protections for people with individual and small group health insurance in California. The current system is far from perfect, but [...]

2009 Feb 05

Introduction Video

By |February 5th, 2009 |Categories: Videos|

Buying health insurance online is confusing. First you see the names of a bunch of insurance companies. Are Blue Shield and Blue Cross the same company, or are they different? Next, you see strange terms like "deductible" and "OOP." Even if you knew that OOP means "out of pocket" [...]

2008 Jun 02

Blue Shield Vital Shield 2900

By |June 2nd, 2008 |Categories: Individual Medical Insurance Articles|

For individuals looking for a low cost health plan which protects you from major medical events such as hospitalization, Blue Shield of California's Vital Shield 2900 may be the plan for you. Vital Shield 2900, Blue Shield's lowest-priced PPO with monthly rates starting as low as $42, offers not [...]

2008 Mar 14

Blue Cross of California (Anthem Blue Cross) Small Group Focal Renewal Rate Increase Effective May 1, 2008

By |March 14th, 2008 |Categories: Small Business Articles, Small Group Health Insurance|Tags: |

Blue Cross of California, soon to be renamed “Anthem Blue Cross” has released their small group “focal renewal” information and the rate increases seem pretty high. The focal renewal applies to small businesses in California (2-50 employees) who have had continuous coverage with Anthem Blue Cross since December 1, [...]

2006 Sep 05

Health Insurance Pricing: A Trade Off

By |September 5th, 2006 |Categories: Individual Medical Insurance Articles|

Health insurance companies price their plans such that there is a balance between the amount you pay to the insurance company and the amount you pay when you need medical care. Selecting a health insurance plan is complicated by the huge number of options available: PPO, HMO, high deductible, [...]

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