Less than two weeks ago, I wrote a blog post that predicted that fireworks would hit California’s small group health insurance market with UHC’s new Association Health Plans. Well, sparks flew. Yesterday, UnitedHealth Care announced that because of “regulatory inquiries over the past couple of weeks” UHC has suspended the rollout of their new AHPs. UHC said that they would begin quoting the new AHPs only after they’d addressed regulators’ concerns.
Benefits Cafe is dedicated to helping our employer clients find the most comprehensive coverage at the lowest cost. The Association Health Plans that UHC proposed have the potential to reduce premiums by 8- 15% for some employers – which is significant. We’re pleased that UHC will ensure that their products align with Federal and State guidelines before releasing them. It would have been very difficult to unravel plans a few months or years after groups had enrolled.
Also, kudos to UHC for thinking outside of the box to lower the cost of group medical insurance. That’s a goal that we all share. If your business would like to work with us, just give us a call at 800-746-0045. We’ll help you stay in compliance in addition to a wide range of broker-related services. BenefitsCafe.com